I haven't blogging for a while. Too lazy to do it, besides I want my break. I can finally get some break, stay home and enjoy watching movies. I didn't get any Christmas presents (well except one) because my family didn't really celebrate Christmas. The present that I got was a sword from my sworn brother and sister. It's not a wooden sword, though. I can use it to practice my sword fight (when I learn how). Anyway, my friend and I will start on our new blog together for celebrities. The site is Simply Moments. It's still underconstruction, and I'm still editing the first few chapters of my story. Guess, it's all for now. Time for me to make some changes to my blog and start on Simply Moments. Ta-da everyone.


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Kelvin Leung

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施公奇案 (A Pillow Case of Mystery)
仁心解碼 (A Great Way to Care)
無名天使3D (Angels of Mission)
烈火雄心 (Burning FLames III)
古靈精探 (Death Investigation Extension - D.I.E I)
古靈精探 (Death Investigation Extension - D.I.E II)
學警狙擊 (Emergency Unit - EU)
飛天舞 (Flying Heavenly Dance)
法證先鋒 (Forensic Heroes I)
法證先鋒 (Forensic Heroes II)
封神榜 (Gods of Honor)
廉政行動 2007 (ICAC Investigation 2007)
廉政行動 2009 (ICAC Investigation 2009)
西遊記 (Journey to the West - China)
西遊記 (Journey to the West I-TVB)
西遊記 (Journey to the West II-TVB)
包青天 (Justice Bao)
搜神傳 (Legend of the Demigods)
覆雨翻雲 (Lethal Weapons of Love and Passion)
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追魂交易 (Net Deception)
學警出更 (On The First Beat)
Click入黃金屋 (Pages of Treasures)
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爭分奪秒 (Split Second)
学警雄心 (The Academy)
The Dragon Sword
精武門 (The Fist of Fury)
小魚兒與花無缺 (The Handsome Siblings)
少林寺传奇 (The Legend of Shaolin Temple)
牛郎織女 (The Legendary of Love)
The Legendary of White-Rabbit
神鵰俠侶 (The Return of Condor Heroes 1995)
神鵰俠侶 (The Return of Condor Heroes 2006)
少林僧兵 (The Shaolin Warriors)
大唐雙龍傳 (Twin of Brothers)
皆大歡喜 (Virtues of Harmony)
洗冤錄 (Witness to a Prosecution)

이브의 모든 것 (All about Eve)
이산-정조대왕 (Cinderella Man)
아내의 유혹 (Cruel Temptation)
그린 로즈 (Green Rose)
해변으로 가요 (Let's Go To The Beach)
천국의 계단 (Stairways to Heaven)


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